Monday, November 11, 2013

Illuminati does it really run our lives?


Illuminati is an organisation claimed to be exclusive that only recruits people and accepts members if they agree to the terms of the organisation. It is an organisation that is only joined by people who want to enrich themselves through riches and fame. Illuminati only lets people sacrifice the people that they love the most in their lives, before any business person or before any musician can join. Illuminati is believed to be the wealthiest organisation which uses musicians to brainwash us.

You cannot tell me that you do not come across any songs as a normal citizen; that you are immune to every radio station out there and that you walk and drive every street with your eyes and ears closed. Illuminati is claimed to be the biggest organisation that uses song artists and their music videos to worship the devil and brainwash us people.

President Barack Obama is said to be their puppet, apparently he was groomed from an early age to become a president and so that he can be able to work the magic of the 666members. Even our very own first black president Nelson Mandela is said to be a member to this 666 organisation of devil worshippers and that he was being used by them to penetrate our innocent minds.

Famous musicians like Beyonce and Jay-Z thee most powerful couple, who work their behinds off are also claimed to be the biggest members of Illuminati and that their riches come from them sacrificing  their first loved child. But the problem is all of these things are hearsay and we’ve never really seen someone who has done that, does that mean that we are Thomas only seeing is believing with us? A musician such as Rihanna is also being used by the organisation to help penetrate people’s thoughts and hearts, not only is it because of their work but because of the group they joined.

There are symbols that are seen to represent the 666 illuminati gang such as: the pyramid in any Dollar money and that people will do the 666 sign using their hands on their faces. The pyramid that is formed must have an eye in it whereas the 666 sign when it is made on their face. It is heard to be seen on their faces and next to eye that is where they will use the symbols to form the pyramid and the eye in between.

People that are seen as role models are said to part of this big organisation and it is said that they sold their soul to the devil just so that they can be rich even Jennifer Hudson and Lady Gaga with her crazy sense of style in the way she dresses the way that she behaves and the videos that they make for her as an artist.

People that do not want to join this organisation are said to have difficulties with their careers and that they don’t succeed much. People that were members of this organisation are allegedly facing difficulties now with their careers that they've established for themselves and this group organisation. Illuminati only recruits the best of the best in their organisation for them to have impact in other people’s lives. What does this mean though about us people? Does it mean that we are being brainwashed every time we sit and watch the TV every time? Are we being set to believe that we as people cannot earn our money the right way by working hard and earning the right way without sacrificing our loved ones? But what if we are truly being brained washed by the people that are making these videos, by the people that are trying to open our eyes to things that we never even noticed but this does not mean that we shouldn’t even believe that they actually just might be telling us the truth.

  Do you think that we are brainwashed and that the illuminati really exists, if so why do you think that is?

Appearance does not change your deliverance

All sweet and so young, so very young the Miley Cyrus who played Hannah Montana, who was viewed and seen as a great person that every young kid wanted to become like and dress like not forgetting about the behavior of picturing themselves as the character better known as Hannah Montana.

The little girl that grew up as Hannah from Hannah Montana; who made a name for herself at a very young age. Growing up on the television scene and playing the lead character and stealing the hearts of many people and lots of generations, from your youngsters to your grandmothers at home because of this ever so sweet character whom now is not so easy associating that person to the girl that Miley Cyrus has become. But as viewers we don’t know the kind of character Hannah portrayed in her real life. She did a 0degree turn to a 180degrees within a blink of an eye that’s what happened to how Hannah Montana was seen but; we know nothing about Miley except for what we are told and whereas they don’t know and have everything themselves.

As people we are so quick to judge, forgetting that the poor child also had and still has her own role models. She has people that she deems as great leaders and that they portray and are doing the best that they can.  

Everyone has that small thing that wants to come out of their system that’s screaming to be noticed and shared with the whole world at its best not just to limit yourself. Miley just happens to have the whole world’s eyes on her while she's still finding herself. Miley Cyrus a damn good musician whom is now getting judged for her appearance and the things that she is doing, as youngsters we may start out from a very young age whereas we are shy and scared of coming out of our closet and small space of  room and grow up to be yhe loudest.

We are quick to judge the book without even reading the content that’s inside but how can we read this book (Miley Cyrus) because she’s not the YOUNG girl that we grew up knowing, truth is people change all the time whether it’s in a good way or not who are we to act like saints when no one is.

Change should not steal away the shine from the deliverance that she still brings to the table and to the stage. So what, she changed her appearance and the sweetness in her that we knew as, it only means that she’s only human just like all of us. It simply means that she is able to live her life to the fullest and still at a stage whereas she’s still trying to find what's working for her, if it’s her twerking well hey go Miley go!

Change is certain to come and it’s up to a person in how we decide to embrace our change and how we still want to be seen by people around us and the ones that see us from a distance.   

how have you changed from the young person that you are now from the person that you were when you were young?

Concept of love


Using your visuals to paint a picture and letting your mind go wild and free does not make you a weak link. Just because you believe in the most amazing feeling that could ever exist to the human species that comes at no cost at all does not mean that you a sucker for pain.

Love comes with a lot of feelings attached to it, it’s not just what you see is just what you get. Love comes with feelings of pain, of being hurt in the most unimaginable way; love comes with joy and tears of both good and bad feelings. Love is all that women believe in and when writing a romantic novel that is what they are targeting for the women to go out there and whatever is if not by them personally but for their man to get it for them

Love comes in various ways lately on the television and also through novels and music and it would be about giving the women hope about this thing called love. Books such as Think like a lady, act like a man, Twilight saga books and books such as Vampire diaries were only created help woman continue in believing in this thing called love. We notice that love is a very deep feeling that cut you and leave you dry you fall too hard for someone whose not there with neither you nor sharing the same sentiments as you in whatever relationship you are in.

Love is blind and it comes in each and every single way that you can imagine. It comes in different shapes and forms and our job as people is to welcome it with warm hands and not block it out just because of a bad experience that we might be feel or that we have undergone.  Some of else us just which to have just our Edwards and from Twilight and our Damon and Stephens from Vampire Diaries. Even if you did not believe in vampires you would want to believe in them just because of the way that these ladies are being treated even though they do get hurt but their love is strong enough and it keeps them holding on.

Hope is everything to a woman and hope is we get each and every single time we read books like these and we love the feeling of being to feel without limit. Love never changes nor does it ever perish but instead it accelerates and decelerates each and every time something good or bad happens. Daniel Steel an author who believes in love with all her might you can see that through her writing and in the way she portrays her character to have and most of the time the characters that are seen to have faith are all ‘WOMEN’ so she motivates all ladies around the world to believe and have faith in love and that there is someone there for you despite all the falls and stumbles you going to come across the world.

What is the one book that makes you fall in love and believe in love again?          


Old School VS New School

The rhythm to our heartbeats, healer of our broken souls and foundation to every party hosted by us human species. Friend, comforter, enemy, doctor, builder and mood setter who am I talking about? Yes that’s right, Music! Music has culture in it consisting of poetry over a nice beat that’s hip to the hop; the great fashion sense, graffiti and dancing.  

The music industry has changed no doubt about that but the question that’s on everybody’s mind ‘is it for the greater good or for the worst?’ The evolution in music has such a great impact on people: through the way they speak, in the way people address themselves to other people, through their dress codes if there is a dress at all to talk about.

There used to be Rap and Hip Hop but now these new katz(rappers) have taken things to a totally  new different level. It’s now more about the beats, more about the group they’re in, more about sagging the pants and keeping up with the times and the new age. Please don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that hip hop is dead just that the culture of hip hop has evolved to something else.  

RnB (rhythm and blues) the blues are slowly fading out now but only the rhythm is still there. The only RnB that still exists now is the one from our early 2000’s, 90’s, 80’s, and backwards to the previous years. People live the culture of music all the time with their friends, families and their colleagues at work.

Music inspires us to live. It brings us back to life from the bad experiences that we block from our minds. Old music used to let us feel, it gave the opportunity to tab into every emotions humanly possible it was good and positive. New school is all about dance, living for the now and not worrying much about tomorrow, about how they spend and blow their money. New school is about inking yourself and having piercing all over your body; it’s about flashing some skin and about artists dedicating most of their songs to women’s booty instead of their mind where Is the respect in that?

Rap uses sex to sell their songs. What’s the message that is being portrayed to people about their music their women? Or it’s either jumping up and down which makes absolutely no sense what so ever why that is being done. What is the message that we get from music, that it’s okay to use woman to get what you want and where you want to be; even the women now enjoy walking half naked in the streets because of the culture that is penetrating their thoughts. It’s the culture that is being engraved in our minds that half naked sexy girls/woman is the way to go and how people should be in order for them to be found appealing by someone. For artists to have hit videos there has to a sexy lady even if it’s just one hot lady who will be flashing her body and shaking some booty. What does this say about the women that shake their bodies for a living, that they are okay with it and enjoying every moment of it mmmh? The music culture is starting to lose some respect in that sense and we personally can’t take that person like someone who is serious.

Let us find a way to bring hip hop and old school music back to its roots. As South Africans we are adapting more into the USA lifestyle instead of some originality in us           



influences of the media through TV and Films

We all know about the entertainment world, we live it, we breathe it and most of the time some of us even fall in love with it. The entertainment world consists of different aspects that we use and do in our daily lives; that would be the music we listen to, the songs we sing each and every time we engage ourselves into something. The things we see through broadcasted television, the shows we watch, the way the actors live their lives, the way they talk, the way they conduct themselves, their sense of style in their dress codes. The media was created by people for the people, so that we can have something to say.

Does the media influence the daily living of our lives? Uhhh YES it does! If as a person you allow yourself to be influenced by it and not controlled. It’s no secret that we love seeing and trying out new things and that’s just how we are programmed as people, believe it or not. But truth of the matter is our lives are surely influenced and determined by the trends that we see, the things that we hear, and also influenced by the people or the things that we aspire to be one day. That does not necessarily make us bad people now does it?

Let us focus on what we see on our screens: The things we see on television don’t necessarily pave our lives although they might in a way have some kind of influence in the way we do things. What are the messages that I get from the entertainment world? Well it’s not mixed signals and not as complicated as I’d like to think that they are most of the time, it’s straight forward actually WELL most of time. It’s the power that is portrayed in the acting industry through the villains. Everyone wants and needs to be in power of their lives and be able to control the lives of the people around them lately because that’s how the villains live. That’s not necessarily a bad thing to posses; but is it what we want the young nation to grow up wanting to be like, because lately no one cares anymore about the hero because most of the time they are seen as weaklings because they focus all their energy on the girl and fighting for the right thing whereas the villains get the girls and the prize at the same time usually.

 Lately people are more intrigued about what the villain has in stored for the hero; about how he plans to makes the hero’s life a misery. People find that more interesting and much more fun to watch; like your David Genaro and your Naomi Fisher from Rhythm City, your Barker’s and Benjamin Le Roux from Isidingo (The need).

2. The sweetest love that is portrayed in the stories is targeted at women. Girls/women see how the main stars in the movies like Love and basketball; and Act like a lady, Think like a man are loved and want that kind of love in their real lives while forgetting that it is staged but because we choose to believe as women… we refuse to listen to reason. Movies tend to play more on women’s emotions but at the end of the day for the actors and actresses it’s just a job and someone has to do it. No matter what tricks people pick up from it whether their positive or not, but being able to notice possessive love from a mile. The love from families, having friends that care, and being able to feel not by controlling and forcing people but by loving and caring for them and protecting them.

The media puts the messages out there, it puts the feelings out there; it gives people the chance to see how life is through other people’s eyes. It helps people learn things that they don’t know or choose to ignore in their lives. Good versus bad it lies within you as a person on which messages and what lessons you decide to take out of whatever sitcom, soap or movie you were/are watching.   

Do YOU think that the media gives us right messages?