Monday, November 11, 2013

Old School VS New School

The rhythm to our heartbeats, healer of our broken souls and foundation to every party hosted by us human species. Friend, comforter, enemy, doctor, builder and mood setter who am I talking about? Yes that’s right, Music! Music has culture in it consisting of poetry over a nice beat that’s hip to the hop; the great fashion sense, graffiti and dancing.  

The music industry has changed no doubt about that but the question that’s on everybody’s mind ‘is it for the greater good or for the worst?’ The evolution in music has such a great impact on people: through the way they speak, in the way people address themselves to other people, through their dress codes if there is a dress at all to talk about.

There used to be Rap and Hip Hop but now these new katz(rappers) have taken things to a totally  new different level. It’s now more about the beats, more about the group they’re in, more about sagging the pants and keeping up with the times and the new age. Please don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that hip hop is dead just that the culture of hip hop has evolved to something else.  

RnB (rhythm and blues) the blues are slowly fading out now but only the rhythm is still there. The only RnB that still exists now is the one from our early 2000’s, 90’s, 80’s, and backwards to the previous years. People live the culture of music all the time with their friends, families and their colleagues at work.

Music inspires us to live. It brings us back to life from the bad experiences that we block from our minds. Old music used to let us feel, it gave the opportunity to tab into every emotions humanly possible it was good and positive. New school is all about dance, living for the now and not worrying much about tomorrow, about how they spend and blow their money. New school is about inking yourself and having piercing all over your body; it’s about flashing some skin and about artists dedicating most of their songs to women’s booty instead of their mind where Is the respect in that?

Rap uses sex to sell their songs. What’s the message that is being portrayed to people about their music their women? Or it’s either jumping up and down which makes absolutely no sense what so ever why that is being done. What is the message that we get from music, that it’s okay to use woman to get what you want and where you want to be; even the women now enjoy walking half naked in the streets because of the culture that is penetrating their thoughts. It’s the culture that is being engraved in our minds that half naked sexy girls/woman is the way to go and how people should be in order for them to be found appealing by someone. For artists to have hit videos there has to a sexy lady even if it’s just one hot lady who will be flashing her body and shaking some booty. What does this say about the women that shake their bodies for a living, that they are okay with it and enjoying every moment of it mmmh? The music culture is starting to lose some respect in that sense and we personally can’t take that person like someone who is serious.

Let us find a way to bring hip hop and old school music back to its roots. As South Africans we are adapting more into the USA lifestyle instead of some originality in us           



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