Monday, November 11, 2013

Appearance does not change your deliverance

All sweet and so young, so very young the Miley Cyrus who played Hannah Montana, who was viewed and seen as a great person that every young kid wanted to become like and dress like not forgetting about the behavior of picturing themselves as the character better known as Hannah Montana.

The little girl that grew up as Hannah from Hannah Montana; who made a name for herself at a very young age. Growing up on the television scene and playing the lead character and stealing the hearts of many people and lots of generations, from your youngsters to your grandmothers at home because of this ever so sweet character whom now is not so easy associating that person to the girl that Miley Cyrus has become. But as viewers we don’t know the kind of character Hannah portrayed in her real life. She did a 0degree turn to a 180degrees within a blink of an eye that’s what happened to how Hannah Montana was seen but; we know nothing about Miley except for what we are told and whereas they don’t know and have everything themselves.

As people we are so quick to judge, forgetting that the poor child also had and still has her own role models. She has people that she deems as great leaders and that they portray and are doing the best that they can.  

Everyone has that small thing that wants to come out of their system that’s screaming to be noticed and shared with the whole world at its best not just to limit yourself. Miley just happens to have the whole world’s eyes on her while she's still finding herself. Miley Cyrus a damn good musician whom is now getting judged for her appearance and the things that she is doing, as youngsters we may start out from a very young age whereas we are shy and scared of coming out of our closet and small space of  room and grow up to be yhe loudest.

We are quick to judge the book without even reading the content that’s inside but how can we read this book (Miley Cyrus) because she’s not the YOUNG girl that we grew up knowing, truth is people change all the time whether it’s in a good way or not who are we to act like saints when no one is.

Change should not steal away the shine from the deliverance that she still brings to the table and to the stage. So what, she changed her appearance and the sweetness in her that we knew as, it only means that she’s only human just like all of us. It simply means that she is able to live her life to the fullest and still at a stage whereas she’s still trying to find what's working for her, if it’s her twerking well hey go Miley go!

Change is certain to come and it’s up to a person in how we decide to embrace our change and how we still want to be seen by people around us and the ones that see us from a distance.   

how have you changed from the young person that you are now from the person that you were when you were young?

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