Monday, November 11, 2013

Concept of love


Using your visuals to paint a picture and letting your mind go wild and free does not make you a weak link. Just because you believe in the most amazing feeling that could ever exist to the human species that comes at no cost at all does not mean that you a sucker for pain.

Love comes with a lot of feelings attached to it, it’s not just what you see is just what you get. Love comes with feelings of pain, of being hurt in the most unimaginable way; love comes with joy and tears of both good and bad feelings. Love is all that women believe in and when writing a romantic novel that is what they are targeting for the women to go out there and whatever is if not by them personally but for their man to get it for them

Love comes in various ways lately on the television and also through novels and music and it would be about giving the women hope about this thing called love. Books such as Think like a lady, act like a man, Twilight saga books and books such as Vampire diaries were only created help woman continue in believing in this thing called love. We notice that love is a very deep feeling that cut you and leave you dry you fall too hard for someone whose not there with neither you nor sharing the same sentiments as you in whatever relationship you are in.

Love is blind and it comes in each and every single way that you can imagine. It comes in different shapes and forms and our job as people is to welcome it with warm hands and not block it out just because of a bad experience that we might be feel or that we have undergone.  Some of else us just which to have just our Edwards and from Twilight and our Damon and Stephens from Vampire Diaries. Even if you did not believe in vampires you would want to believe in them just because of the way that these ladies are being treated even though they do get hurt but their love is strong enough and it keeps them holding on.

Hope is everything to a woman and hope is we get each and every single time we read books like these and we love the feeling of being to feel without limit. Love never changes nor does it ever perish but instead it accelerates and decelerates each and every time something good or bad happens. Daniel Steel an author who believes in love with all her might you can see that through her writing and in the way she portrays her character to have and most of the time the characters that are seen to have faith are all ‘WOMEN’ so she motivates all ladies around the world to believe and have faith in love and that there is someone there for you despite all the falls and stumbles you going to come across the world.

What is the one book that makes you fall in love and believe in love again?          


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