Monday, November 11, 2013

influences of the media through TV and Films

We all know about the entertainment world, we live it, we breathe it and most of the time some of us even fall in love with it. The entertainment world consists of different aspects that we use and do in our daily lives; that would be the music we listen to, the songs we sing each and every time we engage ourselves into something. The things we see through broadcasted television, the shows we watch, the way the actors live their lives, the way they talk, the way they conduct themselves, their sense of style in their dress codes. The media was created by people for the people, so that we can have something to say.

Does the media influence the daily living of our lives? Uhhh YES it does! If as a person you allow yourself to be influenced by it and not controlled. It’s no secret that we love seeing and trying out new things and that’s just how we are programmed as people, believe it or not. But truth of the matter is our lives are surely influenced and determined by the trends that we see, the things that we hear, and also influenced by the people or the things that we aspire to be one day. That does not necessarily make us bad people now does it?

Let us focus on what we see on our screens: The things we see on television don’t necessarily pave our lives although they might in a way have some kind of influence in the way we do things. What are the messages that I get from the entertainment world? Well it’s not mixed signals and not as complicated as I’d like to think that they are most of the time, it’s straight forward actually WELL most of time. It’s the power that is portrayed in the acting industry through the villains. Everyone wants and needs to be in power of their lives and be able to control the lives of the people around them lately because that’s how the villains live. That’s not necessarily a bad thing to posses; but is it what we want the young nation to grow up wanting to be like, because lately no one cares anymore about the hero because most of the time they are seen as weaklings because they focus all their energy on the girl and fighting for the right thing whereas the villains get the girls and the prize at the same time usually.

 Lately people are more intrigued about what the villain has in stored for the hero; about how he plans to makes the hero’s life a misery. People find that more interesting and much more fun to watch; like your David Genaro and your Naomi Fisher from Rhythm City, your Barker’s and Benjamin Le Roux from Isidingo (The need).

2. The sweetest love that is portrayed in the stories is targeted at women. Girls/women see how the main stars in the movies like Love and basketball; and Act like a lady, Think like a man are loved and want that kind of love in their real lives while forgetting that it is staged but because we choose to believe as women… we refuse to listen to reason. Movies tend to play more on women’s emotions but at the end of the day for the actors and actresses it’s just a job and someone has to do it. No matter what tricks people pick up from it whether their positive or not, but being able to notice possessive love from a mile. The love from families, having friends that care, and being able to feel not by controlling and forcing people but by loving and caring for them and protecting them.

The media puts the messages out there, it puts the feelings out there; it gives people the chance to see how life is through other people’s eyes. It helps people learn things that they don’t know or choose to ignore in their lives. Good versus bad it lies within you as a person on which messages and what lessons you decide to take out of whatever sitcom, soap or movie you were/are watching.   

Do YOU think that the media gives us right messages?

1 comment:

  1. I only went anonymous because I couldn't figure out how to do otherwise. I have a Facebook acct: Harold Von Spuneridge. I have researched the Illuminati question all my life: 66 years. I also have a vast array of experiences and lived in several countries: one was Ethiopia. Let me assure you that there is NOTHING CONSENSUAL about them. The use and abuse of force is their narcotic, Kissinger will say that publicly. If you have something they want, there is no escape, you have already signed your life over to them and may not be aware of it. I could write hundreds of pages on it, but start your research in 3 places: the Book of the Dead, any of Fritz Springmeir's (sic) Illuminati Mind Control books or MKULTRA. The Illuminati communicate in symbols, the crave your debt as to abuse you. It's planetary, and very ancient. Enjoyed your website, I can be reached at I can stand to delete the infinite spam. Keep up the good work, I we understand them, we win.
